If you would like your business or service to be included in the SPN Search Engine and Local Directory, complete all of your details on the contact page and we will be in touch with you shortly.
Option 1 - £100.00.
* For companies with websites.
* Includes:
* Full exclusive page inside the SPN Directory for your city.
* Company name, address, telephone, fax.
* Description of company, products or services provided.
* Include a direct telephone number as a first point of contact.
* Maximum of 10 photos and your company logo. (jpeg or png)
* Link directly to your company website.
* Link directly to your email address.
* Included in the unique SPN Recommended Companies section.
Option 2 - £50.00.
* Best Option if you do not have your own company website.
* Includes:
* Full exclusive page inside the SPN Directory for your city.
* Company name, address, telephone, fax.
* Description of company, products or services provided.
* Include a direct telephone number as a first point of contact.
* Maximum of 25 photos and your company logo. (jpeg or png)
* Link directly to your personal email address.
* Included in the unique SPN Recommended Companies section.
Option 3 – Add URL link £5. (Once only fee).
*Useful Websites category with brief description of up to 25 words.